Welcome to an “elevated” day of daycare!

introducing canine enrichment!

We love our daycare model! What could be more fun than an indoor/outdoor crate and kennel free daycare experience? But while we were interacting with your pups we realized there are opportunities to not only stimulate them physically and give them an amazing day with their friends but we could also integrate some basic training and mental stimulation as well!

Enrichment 2.0 is coming!! Stay tuned for that announcement!

​So why should you add Enrichment Daycare to your pups day?

Well, adding enrichment to your dog's day has numerous benefits:

    * Increases confidence                           
    * Improves focus/concentration       
    * Sensory stimulation                              
    * Mental Stimulation
    * Prevents boredom 
    * Breaks up the day
    * Mimics natural behaviours such as foraging/sniffing
    * Gives you ideas to help keep your dogs busy at home
   *  Rainy day activities

Will this replace training?
Absolutely not! We have a WONDERFUL trainer but with COVID-19, many trainers, including ours are only offering virtual sessions which can be great but sometimes, practicing at the place that your dog associates with play can help them with their distraction learning. We will work on basic commands like sit, stay, name recall etc and some fun ones for our extra smart boys and girls! Part of the great thing about us is that our kennel techs work with your pups all day so we know them and what we could improve on and we encourage our parents to let us know what they are struggling with and we will do our best to help!

How much does it cost?
While we wish could offer it free for everyone forever, it will require one on one attention from each of our kennel techs. The cost will be $15 a session or $12/each if you buy a 5 pack. If it’s popular we will add larger 10 and 20 packages! This also includes videos and photos from each session and (1) training item specifically requested by the parent and a mini report!

How do I book?
To book “Enrichment Daycare”, you will go through our Gingr Portal! For those of you who are more comfortable doing it in person, please just stop by the front desk and we will arrange for your pup to enroll! If you buy a 5-pack, we will do 1 session per week. If you’d prefer more than that, we can arrange that for you! You will click “enrichment daycare” as an add-on service when you book your reservation!


Canine enrichment session

$15 per session or $60 for a 5 pack (this is an add-on to Full Day or Half Day Daycare) —> you can use your packages!

Includes: Videos and photos from each session and (1) training item specifically requested by the parent and a mini report!